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How to Prevent Back Pain When You DeadLift


You’re On The Deadlift platform, standing over the weight, readying yourself to grit through another set. You grip the barbell and squeeze tight, take in a deep breath, and pull—only to be met with a sharp pain radiating through your low back.

This pain is all too common for guys in the gym—but that doesn’t have to be the case. The deadlift is a great compound movement that just about every type of strength trainee should include as part of a well-rounded workout program. The exercise requires coordination from just about every part of your body, enabling you to lift more weight than any other movement.

If you attempt to add load to the bar too quickly before you’ve perfected the form, or if you find yourself rushing through the individual steps, you’ll soon feel the ramifications. When performed correctly, the biggest muscles in your body—including the glutes, hamstrings, quads, back, and even your forearms and core—seamlessly work together to move previously unimaginable amounts of weight.

There’s plenty of room for error when you need that many muscles to work together. You need to understand how the movement is supposed to work, and which muscles you’re depending on to do what. “Deadlifts are so prone to injury because of the misunderstanding of leg drive versus back extension,” says strength coach Juan Guadarrama, C.S.C.S. This means that the main source of strength for a successful deadlift comes from your big leg muscles driving the weight up, not your lower back raising up. If you don’t have your Think of it like this: If your hips aren’t situated below your shoulders at the start of the lift, you’ll end up putting excessive pressure on your low back.

While the lift might look simple to the untrained eye—you pick the bar up off the floor—there’s a lot to consider with every single deadlift rep, especially if you’re just getting used to working with heavy weights. Rushing through these motions without paying attention to proper mechanics can lead to worse back pain, though, ultimately taking you off the platform and on injured reserve. The best tip to a better deadlift, Guadarrama says, is to create an awareness of what each muscle group feels like at the beginning of the movement. Before you initiate the lift, take a second to acknowledge the tightness in your abs and the stretch in your hamstrings. Deadlifts take just as much brain power as they do muscle power.

Why Do You Have Lower Back Pain After Deadlifts?
The lumbar spine, or low back, receives the brunt of the pressure of a poorly executed deadlift. And if you’ve ever experienced a low back injury, you know how difficult it is to move through your daily life with the pain.

Back pain when deadlifting might be common, but it shouldn’t be normal, says trainer Tony Gentilcore, C.S.C.S., owner of CORE in Boston. In fact, it’s usually an indication you’re doing something wrong with your lift.

“It’s fine to feel a little fatigue or tiredness in your back the day after deadlifting,” Gentilcore says. “But if you wake up the next day and it’s affecting your day to day activity, like it’s hard to bend over and it’s hard to twist, or you are apprehensive to sit up and down or to roll over in bed, that would tell me that your technique needs a little work.”

A deadlift is a full-body movement, but if you’re doing it right, you should definitely feel it more on your backside, or more specifically, the posterior chain. So yes, a deadlift will work your back (which is why some people incorporate it on back day instead of leg day), but if you feel pain there, that’s not a good sign.

Most causes of deadlifting back pain occur because of how you’re approaching and executing the lift. There are a variety of factors that go into the lapses in form that that result in back pain from deadlifts, according to performance coach and athlete development expert Curtis Shannon, C.S.C.S. “For starters, it is ego, lack of technical proficiency, baseline strength and stability, as well as force production,” he says. “We all want to lift the heaviest weights to feel like we’ve ‘put the work in’ and reap the benefits of our strength gains. But at what cost?”

Here, we’ll break down some of the most common reasons you’re feeling back pain after deadlifting, and what you can do to lift pain-free. But remember, these are our best suggestions for general scenarios. “If pain persists, speak with a licensed physical therapist, chiropractor or doctor,” says Shannon. Don’t sideline yourself for your future gains by pushing through an injury. Adjust, take the proper measures to address your issues, and live to lift another day.

Deadlift Mistake: Your Back Isn’t Straight

First and foremost, you should be avoiding any excessive curvature or rounding of your spine, especially in your lower back. This isn’t a bend over and lift up movement, and if you reinforce bad habits with light weight, you’ll wind up paying for it later.

Shannon recommends imagining that you have a straight rod running along your spine, and moving as such. “We want our spine to be as straight and sturdy as that dowel rod,” he says. “In this position, the core muscles work together with the greatest efficiency and protect our spine. In any other position, neuromuscular coordination among our core muscles are impaired. This causes undesirable focused pressure on our vertebrae.”

A surprising key to this technique comes from maintaining a focus on your front. “Do not neglect the activation of your core muscles when deadlifting,” he advises, and adds that you need to keep up the engagement throughout the whole motion. “This applies to the eccentric [lowering] portion of the lift as well. Performing the exercise with technical proficiency means nothing, if you do not approach the eccentric portion of the lift with the same proficiency and care as the concentric.” (We’ll discuss this more below).

Deadlift Mistake: You Don’t Fire Up Your Lats
Your lats are the biggest muscle in your back, pretty much stretching across its entire area, from the humerus in your upper arm to your pelvis.

“It stands to reason they’re going to be providing a lot of stability to the spine and upper back just to keep it in position when you’re deadlifting,” Gentilcore says.

Problem is, if you don’t engage your lats before you lift, you’re not creating the tension across your back. So when you’re transferring force from your lower body to your upper body, your back can start to round. And that can lead to back strain and pain.

The fix is easy: “Pretend like you are trying to squeeze an orange in your armpit or squeeze a sponge in your armpit. When you do that, that’s going to get that area to fire,” Gentilcore says. “I can stand behind my clients and tap their lats, and you can feel them on—they’re not soft.” Maintain the engagement during the setup and execution of the lift.

Deadlift Mistake: You Start with the Bar Too Far Away
The positioning of the bar leads to one of the most common deadlifting mistakes that causes back pain: You start with the barbell too far away from you, says Gentilcore.

“Often I hear people say, ‘Oh, my shins bleed when I deadlift. What am I doing wrong?’ I say, ‘Nothing,’”says Gentilcore. Okay, it’s not that you want to get all banged up, he clarifies, but the fact that you’re keeping the bar close enough to your shins shows that you’re in the right position.

If you start with the barbell too far away from you, you’re giving yourself a poor line of pull, he says. And that puts more of a strain on your lower back. It can also take away from engaging your hamstrings and glutes, which should be the major players in the lift. (These are the best exercises to strengthen your glutes.)

So where should the barbell be when you start? Remember this easy cue: “Start with the barbell like you’re going to cut your feet in half,” Gentilcore says. “So it should be right over mid foot.”

Beginning the lift with the bar closer to you also makes it more efficient—it requires less work to get the bar from Point A to Point B.

As for the bleeding shins? Simply wear high socks or sweatpants to protect your legs, Gentilcore says.

Source – MensHealth

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