South Africa News

Friends Rally to Restore Hearing for Beloved Krugersdorp Property Professional, Roelien Homan

Krugersdorp, South Africa – Cindy Duplessis (42), a  resident of Krugersdorp, along with a group of friends, has launched a heartwarming crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to help Roelien Homan, a beloved member of the community, purchase new hearing aids.

Roelien Homan

Pictured above: Roeline

Roelien, a well-known property professional with a deep passion for animals, lost her hearing after battling COVID-19 in 2021.

Roelien (54), is widely respected and loved for her unwavering dedication to her work and her selfless nature. Her kind heart and unyielding compassion for others, coupled with her vivacious personality, have endeared her to everyone she meets.

Cindy, who has known Roelien for approximately seven years, emphasized the profound impact Roelien has had on the lives of those around her, describing her as Godly, fearless, loving, kind, selfless, compassionate, funny, ambitious, adventurous, and courageous.

The crowdfunding campaign aims to raise R82,760, the necessary funds to help Roelien acquire new hearing aids, a crucial requirement for her daily life.

Cindy’s VIDEO:

The hearing aids, specifically formulated for her varying levels of hearing loss in both ears, are Artificial Intelligent bilateral hearing aids from Oticon. These advanced devices assist Roelien’s brain in formulating sounds into words and provide her with the ability to engage in various activities, such as listening to voice notes, speaking on the phone, and attending seminars with large crowds, as they cancel out background noises.

Cindy with Roeline

“The new hearing aids will give Roelien her life back where she will be part of conversations, live a life without fear, anxiety, and loneliness. At the moment, Roelien is very depressed, lonely, scared, and paranoid due to not hearing what goes on around her,” Cindy shared.

“This has been a very emotional journey for her and everyone in her life, including her friends, as we don’t always understand and we don’t know what it feels like to be deaf. We are desperately seeking assistance to give my friend her smile and happiness back.”

Currently, the BackaBuddy campaign has raised R45 800, thanks to the generosity of supporters who have rallied behind Roelien’s cause. However, there is still a significant amount to be raised to reach the target and ensure that Roelien can regain her hearing and return to a life without fear, anxiety, and loneliness.

The absence of functional hearing aids has severely impacted Roelien’s ability to carry out her professional responsibilities and live a fearless and happy life. The once vibrant and lively individual now finds herself in a state of fear, loneliness, and uncertainty.

In an earnest plea to the community, Cindy and her friends urge everyone to become Roelien’s heroes by contributing to the crowdfunding campaign and helping her reach the fundraising target.

Support this cause on BackaBuddy:

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