Losing a spouse is said to be one of the most heartbreaking losses anyone can go through. Recently, former Our Perfect Wedding presenter, Kayise Ngqula, broke her silence on the unfortunate passing of her husband due to a car accident in June this year.
Regrettably, Kayise is not the only ZAleb who has been widowed, and at a young age. Actress Simphiwe Ngema lost her husband, musician and actor Dumi Masilela in 2017. Biokineticist Letshego Zulu also had to pick up the pieces after the tragic loss of her husband, Gugu Zulu in 2016. Earlier this year, The Throne actress Tsholo Matshaba remembered her late husband and former Motsweding FM presenter Chris Matshaba.
Ayanda Ncwane, widow to gospel musician Sfiso Ncwane, took to her Instagram to pen a heartfelt message to women from all walks of life who have been widowed.
Her message read:
“Dear fellow widow, how I wish I could hold your hand and look at you and assure you that your pain and suffering is temporary, our Heavenly Father our new husband has a new garment for you, strangely full of comfort, provision, peace, good health, uncommon favor, protection, Heavenly make up, Glory & inner glow,extra angels specifically trained to raise your children and more. Worry not fellow sister, our Heavenly Bae got us covered, I’ve personally seen Him in my journey. Happy women’s month to all women and especially my fellow sisters, the special ones who are now WIDOWS. ?❤️.”
The businesswoman and mother of three lost her husband in 2016 and although it has not been easy, she has committed herself to helping other widows.
Her message touched and reached many women who share a similar experience, with one follower say: “I don’t normally comment but this right here is very close to home being a widow myself I can attest to the fact that our Heavenly Bae got us covered… I have seen him walking with me every step of the way… I have seen his favor and yes I have seen better days too it has been 3 years now
This past Sunday, Ayanda, in an Instagram post, shared her agenda for women’s month – which is to advocate for the rights of widows.
The post read: “Agenda for the whole Women’s Month: Widow’s Rights Matter ✊?✊?✊? . Ngsayophuza itiye nabanye abafelokazi [off to tea with other widows] Blessed Sunday to you and yours ?#WidowsRightsAreWomensRightsToo
Source: Zalebs