Zola 7, real name Bonginkosi Dlamini was recently hit on stage during a performance. A video where the rapper was being hit on the shoulder by his co-performer surfaced on social media and caused a stir. The video left fans worried, and they’ve voiced out about the security of their fave. Some people claimed the man who hit the rapper wanted to take him out.
However, others claimed it was just a form of greeting, hence there was no cause for alarm. Watch the video below and give your judgement.
Guys please protect Zola7 ???? pic.twitter.com/ly594qZtdU
— Mnyamani???????? (@Zikamnyamane) October 11, 2023
Yho this hit my chest ????????????????????????
— Kim Laura  (@Kim_Laura1) October 11, 2023
Source: News365