Workout Milestones Every Fit Person Should Reach

You’ve been a workout warrior for a while, putting in time at the gym each day to reach a specific goal or just improve your overall health and fitness. While staying motivated and committed can be tough, celebrating milestones along the way will keep you inspired. Check out these classic workout milestones and see how many you’ve already checked off the list. Creating a plan to implement this type of training is actually quite simple. Just pick an exercise from each of the 5 functional movement categories, and perform 3 to 5 sets of the exercises during every workout. Follow this template and choose different exercises for each workout during the week. Here is a list of possible exercises for each type of movement:
  • Push: Push-ups, incline press, single-arm kettlebell or dumbbell press, push press
  • Pull: Dumbbell rows, cable rows, pull-ups, lat pull downs
  • Hip-Hinge: Kettlebell swing, Romanian deadlift, deadlift, glute bridges
  • Squat: Body weight squats, dumbbell goblet squats, weighted front/back squats, lunges, split squats
  • Plank: Plank for time, plank with movement, bird dogs, side planks, heavy carries (farmer and suitcase)
To send your metabolism into a high gear, add cardio to the end of workouts. Be sure to make it fun by doing hill sprints, using rowing machines, climbing rock walls, or jumping rope. If these exercises are done correctly, every movement will work the part of the body it is focused on, as well as other systems at the same time. However, like most things in life, you can do too much. This program should only be followed three or four times a week: more than that would be overtraining and would not allow the body to fully recover. Every total body functional workout should incorporate these five movements. This programming technique will help you spend less time at the gym, increase strength, and add variety to your workouts. Source: active

Babes Wodumo’s beauty charms Mr Smeg

South African social media sensation Mr. Smeg has been called out to lay off Babes Wodumo as she still mourning..
mr smeg
Famously known for appreciating female celebrities on Twitter and then asking them out for lunch. Tweeps feel as though Mr. Smeg is slowly worming his way to Babes Wodumo‘s heart. Learn more

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