Tips on how to use make-up to make you look younger

Aging is beautiful. Every wrinkle, crinkle and spot is hard-earned proof of a life well lived. Thankfully, society has come a long way in recent years, and we’re more fully appreciating the wisdom and beauty of women in their 40s and beyond. But just because you’ve earned your stripes (or the lines on your face, in this case), it doesn’t mean you don’t want to look your very best. The truth is, you can love your age and yourself and still want to know how to look younger.

From choosing makeup that will make you look younger and hairstyles that will turn back the clock to wearing strategic outfits and accessories, we have so many easy options at our disposal. Heck, there are even youthful body-language tactics that can help you look better in pictures.

It all comes down to doing what you can to enhance your features. “For example, as you age, your skin gets more dull,” says Jackie Alves, an Arizona-based makeup artist and the founder of Real Makeup for Real Women. “You can reverse that with a few simple moves.

We dove deep into research and spoke to top beauty, style, nutrition and body-language experts for the tips and tricks that will help you figure out how to look younger while still honoring the life experience you have. It’s not magic … but it may very well feel like it.

Source: People

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