



I have never met a person that would not want to increase and improve their memory. Here are a few tips that you can use to improve your memory.

Memory is a state dependent.  If you learned in a state of curiosity, you’ll need to access curiosity again to get the info back in a test.  If you learned in a state of boredom, fun, fear or whatever, you’ll need to get yourself ack into that state when you want to remember the info.

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You can get information fixed into long-term memory by using a few techniques:

  • Strong emotional response usually causes things to stick in the memory
  • The more details you add when inputting something to be remembered, the more triggers (hooks) you have to bring it back
  • Create a vivid rich mental movie and add weird or bazaar or funny material into the movie
  • Adding all senses in the process, sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The more sensory experiences you can add the better.
  • To make something more memorable, make it fascinating, fun, and lively
  • Create songs or poems
  • Associate things you learn to things you can remember easily
  • Take regular breaks, do Brain Gym and sip water often when putting things into your memory. Stagnant body, stagnant mind
  • Smells anchor experiences and info to memory. Choose one smell per subject and sniff it constantly while learning. Later that smell will bring the info back
  • Review everything you learn 12 or 24 hours later
  • Make Mind Maps
  • Repetition, especially if you do something with it several times
  • Think up lots of good reasons to remember the material and think up long term benefits to remembering. Future pace.

Everyone forgets most of what they learn.  On the average, after only a month people forget 98% of the totality of facts and ideas they have experienced.

To learn more on how your mind functions visit Action Factory.


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