We Could Sing It All We Want But Clarity Is Not Clear To See For Libo And Mphowabadimo’s Ship.
Although the Libo and Mphowabadimo have officially ended their romantic entanglement in the House, we can’t help but look back at how dynamic their experience has been. What started as an impromptu reading might have been the start of what turned out to be more than just a connection with Libo’s ancestors.
We’ve seen them vibe and sneak in some kisses at the Saturday Night Party but the day Mphowabadimo left her tears on the dance floor we think that’s when things started unravelling.
While she was faced with difficult questions on what it means to be in love, what she wants and who? We could see that she is still healing from her past. That said it wasn’t long till the two became distant and somehow struggled to face the reality of their feelings for each other.
Now that it’s official, they are just “friends” – Libo has spent a large portion of his time informing most Housemates that his ship with Mphowabadimo has sunk, especially those who were curious to ask about it
Thato like most Housemates felt Libo acts differently around Mphowabadimo compared to when he’s around other people. In his response Libo says that Mpho is very observant, she pays attention to every detail and the way he carries himself. He argued it made it difficult to be himself around people. It may be unclear if Libo’s instructions are to stir clear of the women in the House and their curious inquiries, but he is willing to compromise for Mpho’s comfort.