5 easy ways to keep your food safe during a load shedding

Let’s talk about load shedding. It’s a thing that creeps into every part of our lives and perhaps none so much as in the kitchen.

We are here to share with you six easy ways to keep your food safe when your power goes out.

1. Transfer items from your fridge to your freezer

If there is a possibility of a power outage, experts suggest transferring some of your refrigerated food to your freezer to keep it at a safe temperature for a longer period. Items such as milk, meats, and leftovers that you don’t need immediately can be safely transferred to the freezer during a power outage.

2. Keep doors closed

Once you move items to the freezer and group food together, keep your fridge and freezer doors closed. This will keep your food colder for longer. Experts reveal that a fridge will stay cold for up to four hours, while a freezer will keep its temperature for 48 hours if it is full, 24 hours if it is half-full.

3. Ice packs

Ice packs can also be packed around perishable foods in the refrigerator to keep those foods cold for as long as possible, during load shedding.

4. Buy smaller quantities

If no freezer is available, buy smaller quantities of fresh food, cook, and consume them quickly rather than buying in bulk and refrigerating those items for long periods.

5. Store food in a cooler bag

Although load shedding is not meant to last for too long in a day, sometimes food in your fridge can be spoiled in just a few hours when there’s no power. The best method is to take a cooler bag or bucket and put some ice in it to store the items you need to keep cold or frozen.

You may also use your sink or bath and fill it with ice. Pack refrigerated food such as milk, meats, fish, poultry, eggs, and leftovers into your cooler surrounded by ice. Keep it at a temperature of 40°C for as long as possible.

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